Thursday, August 28, 2014

Logging on for a Whole30: Day 11, my gut is going insane

I ate almost a pound of sauerkraut for lunch today. And boooooy is my stomach using those natural probiotics to clean house! I made Reuben Roll-ups for lunch - slices of corned beef from the deli wrapped around some fancy Boar's Head Sauerkraut and then smothered with homemade paleo Russian dressing. My, oh my it was scrumptious! I was halfway through here and took this to brag to Husband. It worked.
#nofilter #badfoodporn #dohashtagsmatterinblogs ...?
Today I ate/am gonna eat:
Sweet potato, sausage, & spinach casser-ttata + espresso with coconut milk & pumpkin pie spice
3 Reuben Roll-ups
More Sweet potato casser-ttata for dinner!

I'm cooking a little more during this week than I did last week; this is solely because I didn't choose "hot plate" recipes to have through the week. I decided that I wouldn't mind having to do a little extra cooking on my "off" nights - Monday and Wednesday. So Monday night I prepared Josh's Tuesday lunch - chicken nuggets (he was not a fan, "too soggy") and lunch & dinner for us both (plain chicken) Tuesday & Wednesday. Wednesday night I served the family meatloaf with zucchini and butternut squash - no complaints! They ATE so many veggies in that meal - if you remember, I put carrots, onions, and spinach in my meatloaf mix!

Another lunch meal I had last week - that I didn't share a #badfoodporn photo of - was my Thai Beef wraps. Those were ridiculously tasty! It was a recipe I made using the Hot Plate concept.

Also, here's this week's menu. It's already been changed 1/2 dozen times.

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leave me your pennies, maties! ...argh? I'm no pirate. & You don't have to be a pirate to comment. Just do it. Dooo it.