Friday, August 29, 2014

Logging on for a Whole30: Day 12

After my 2nd Sunday of cooking, I'm finding that part is kind of relaxing and am looking forward to that part of this weekend. I start thawing meat, turn on Pandora, clean up the kitchen to prepare for the impending disaster-zone, and everyone leaves me alone while I cook for a few hours. I think seeing how beneficial prepared meals are during the week lessens any blow to the amount of time devoted to all that cooking. I hope the past two weeks haven't been some sort of joyous fluke!

Today I'm eating/gonna eat:
Sweet potato casserole + Peter Rabbit Pumpkin, Carrot, and Apple squeeze pack thingy (yes, baby food!)
Egg-vacado salad lettuce wraps + plum
Homemade pizzas! Adult Recipe + kids will just get standard whole wheat crust because Littlest is allergic to nuts (adult recipe crust base), specifically almonds, and I'm not interested in making THREE different pizzas. Two, I can handle.

No Crossfit last night because Josh had a PTO/Meet the Teacher night. Weird that it's after school starts, right? I know. Whatever. On the ride home from work, silly me piped up with "OH! I should make a goodie to take with us!" This phrase, uttered in front of my oldest, is a no-no unless you're truly committed because he does not hear this phrase passively. He wanted to know immediately what I was planning and how he could help! I specifically saved a few junk items from The Great Pantry Clean-out of 2014 for times like this. I grabbed a boxed brownie mix, added some extra flour + cocoa powder, oil, and eggs and made cookies sprinkled with powdered sugar. Josh said they were delicious but I wouldn't know because I DIDN'T TRY ANY :) :) :) Not even the batter. Good Lord, that was difficult. I brought a cookie thisclose to my lips for just a tiny bite - I didn't want to serve nasty cookies and be embarrassed! I decided to trust Josh's judgement and it paid off - I'm not stewing over a bad decision this morning - it would NOT have been worth it - and they were nearly gone when we left Open House so Josh was right, I just had to trust :)

I signed up for a CSA share with Pinckney's Produce again this fall/winter; that will start in September. I think I'll do a better job this time around to use what we receive - partly because I chose a smaller size box this season. Here's what have to look forward to:

LOTS of greens! If you're local (SC) or in Zone 8, I recommend you save this and refer to it when you're shopping for produce - always try to buy veggies & fruits that are in season locally. Join a CSA or Find a farmer's market in your area to purchase produce and keep your money in your community!

We're looking forward to a long weekend with a full house, although we don't really have any plans. Those are really my favorite kind of weekends! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your weekend, too - MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!



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leave me your pennies, maties! ...argh? I'm no pirate. & You don't have to be a pirate to comment. Just do it. Dooo it.